-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 ADVISORY NUMBER 050813 CVE-2013-2269 TITLE Sponsor Confirmation Approval Bypass Vulnerability in Aruba Networks ClearPass Guest product SUMMARY When customers use the default settings for Sponsorship Confirmation, there exists a possibility that anyone – not just the sponsor – could approve a request. This could allow unauthorized access to the guest network and whatever access it may have inside the organization. AFFECTED VERSIONS - -- ClearPass 5.X, 6.0.1, 6.0.2 - -- Amigopod/ClearPass Guest 3.0 thru 3.9.7 DETAILS Amigopod/ClearPass Guest provides a mechanism for guests to request network access through a captive portal. An email is sent to a sponsor i.e. a company employee, who is then able to approve or deny the guest request for network access through a page hosted on Amigopod/CP Guest. Unless the request is approved, the guest should not have any network access outside of the configured walled garden on the NAS device. After a guest requests network access, they are directed to a default holding page hosted by Amigopod/CP Guest. With default settings, this page contains a link to download the account details for use when the guest account is approved. Through the use or parameter manipulation, this link can be used to return to an attacker additional information, including details of the sponsor approval page for that specific guest request. The attacker could then browse to the sponsor approval page and approve their own request. DISCOVERY This vulnerability was discovered by Mukul Khullar from the Advanced Security Center at Ernst & Young. IMPACT The attacker would have access to the network resources allowed by the 'Guest' Role/VLAN on the NAS. Typically this would only be Internet access but could potentially include more confidential internal network resources if the sponsorship approval process was used for contractors, auditors or guest with elevated network privileges. Even with only Internet access, an attacker could launch additional attacks against either internal or external hosts masking as a legitimate guest. CVSS v2 BASE METRIC SCORE: 3.4 (AV:A/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N) WORKAROUNDS Aruba Networks recommends that all customers apply the appropriate patch(es) as soon as practical or disable sponsor based approval SOLUTION Aruba Networks recommends that all customers apply the Amigopod 3.9.7 or ClearPass Guest 6.0.2 February 2013 cumulative patch as soon as practical. +---------------------------------------------------- OBTAINING FIXED FIRMWARE Aruba customers can obtain the firmware on the support website: http://www.arubanetworks.com/support. Aruba Support contacts are as follows: 1-800-WiFiLAN (1-800-943-4526) (toll free from within North America) +1-408-754-1200 (toll call from anywhere in the world) e-mail: support(at)arubanetworks.com Please, do not contact either "wsirt(at)arubanetworks.com" or "security(at)arubanetworks.com" for software upgrades. EXPLOITATION AND PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS This vulnerability will be announced at Aruba W.S.I.R.T. Advisory: http://www.arubanetworks.com/support/alerts/aid-050813.asc SecurityFocus Bugtraq http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1 STATUS OF THIS NOTICE: Final Although Aruba Networks cannot guarantee the accuracy of all statements in this advisory, all of the facts have been checked to the best of our ability. Aruba Networks does not anticipate issuing updated versions of this advisory unless there is some material change in the facts. Should there be a significant change in the facts, Aruba Networks may update this advisory. A stand-alone copy or paraphrase of the text of this security advisory that omits the distribution URL in the following section is an uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain factual errors. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT This advisory will be posted on Aruba's website at: http://www.arubanetworks.com/support/alerts/aid-050813.asc Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Aruba's worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are encouraged to check the above URL for any updates. REVISION HISTORY Revision 1.0 / 05-08-2013 / Initial release ARUBA WSIRT SECURITY PROCEDURES Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Aruba Networks products, obtaining assistance with security incidents is available at http://www.arubanetworks.com/support-services/aruba-support-program/security-bulletins/ For reporting *NEW* Aruba Networks security issues, email can be sent to wsirt(at)arubanetworks.com or security(at)arubanetworks.com. For sensitive information we encourage the use of PGP encryption. Our public keys can be found at http://www.arubanetworks.com/support-services/aruba-support-program/security-bulletins/ (c) Copyright 2013 by Aruba Networks, Inc. This advisory may be redistributed freely after the release date given at the top of the text, provided that redistributed copies are complete and unmodified, including all date and version information. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32) iEYEARECAAYFAlGLF9IACgkQp6KijA4qefXS/gCgwUEzN7yMaB3tuUpR0C9awB0y 3jMAoMiEBk8OpdpwpVOa8xMhOBnqujWw =yrGR -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----