-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 ADVISORY NUMBER 080113 CVE-2013-2248 CVE-2013-2251 TITLE Apache Struts2 Vulnerability in Aruba Networks ClearPass Policy Manager SUMMARY Remote code execution and redirection vulnerabilities in Apache Struts were revealed on 07/20/2013 through CVE-2013-2248 and CVE-2013-2251. These allow a malicious user to execute Struts OGNL expressions using Struts' action/ redirect/redirectAction prefixes to evaluate OGNL expressions. AFFECTED VERSIONS - -- ClearPass 5.X, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1.0, 6.2.0 DETAILS ClearPass Policy Manager leverages the Apache Struts framework to drive server-side components of the user interface. ClearPass Policy Manager's web-based UI pages carry the Struts "action" suffixes, which are vulnerable to this attack. An attacker with access to the ClearPass Policy Manager's UI could craft valid OGNL expressions and embed them into the URL, thus creating a possibility for a server-side code injection based on the disclosure. DISCOVERY These vulnerabilities were announced through CVE-2013-2248 and CVE-2013-2251. IMPACT The attacker can craft a valid OGNL expression into URLs used by ClearPass Policy Manager, thus providing the possibility of injecting server-side code and thereby allowing the remote attacker to bypass navigation states and/or execute remote commands on the server (ClearPass Policy Manager). Aruba Networks participates in the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). This rating system is a vendor agnostic, industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help determine urgency and priority of response. Aruba also has its own Aruba Threats Lab team (ATL) that is focused exclusively on identification and mitigation of security issues. CVSS v2 Base Score:9.3 (HIGH) (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C) MITIGATION Aruba Networks recommends that all customers use access control methods such as network-level ACLs to restrict access to the ClearPass Policy Manager UI. If using ClearPass 6.1.0 and above, Aruba recommends that customers use Access Control options available within the ClearPass administration interface to permit access to ClearPass Policy Manager from secure network locations only. SOLUTION Aruba Networks recommends that all customers apply either ClearPass 6.1.3 or ClearPass patches released August 2013 as soon as practical. Customers using ClearPass versions prior to 6.1 are urged to upgrade to ClearPass Policy Manager 6.1.3 as soon as practical. +---------------------------------------------------- OBTAINING FIXED FIRMWARE Aruba customers can obtain the firmware on the support website: http://www.arubanetworks.com/support. Aruba Support contacts are as follows: 1-800-WiFiLAN (1-800-943-4526) (toll free from within North America) +1-408-754-1200 (toll call from anywhere in the world) e-mail: support(at)arubanetworks.com Please, do not contact either "wsirt(at)arubanetworks.com" or "security(at)arubanetworks.com" for software upgrades. EXPLOITATION AND PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS This vulnerability will be announced at Aruba W.S.I.R.T. Advisory: http://www.arubanetworks.com/support/alerts/aid-080113.asc SecurityFocus Bugtraq http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1 STATUS OF THIS NOTICE: Final Although Aruba Networks cannot guarantee the accuracy of all statements in this advisory, all of the facts have been checked to the best of our ability. Aruba Networks does not anticipate issuing updated versions of this advisory unless there is some material change in the facts. Should there be a significant change in the facts, Aruba Networks may update this advisory. A stand-alone copy or paraphrase of the text of this security advisory that omits the distribution URL in the following section is an uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain factual errors. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT This advisory will be posted on Aruba's website at: http://www.arubanetworks.com/support/alerts/aid-080113.asc Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Aruba's worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are encouraged to check the above URL for any updates. REVISION HISTORY Revision 1.0 / 08-01-2013 / Initial release ARUBA WSIRT SECURITY PROCEDURES Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Aruba Networks products, obtaining assistance with security incidents is available at http://www.arubanetworks.com/support-services/security-bulletins/ For reporting *NEW* Aruba Networks security issues, email can be sent to wsirt(at)arubanetworks.com or security(at)arubanetworks.com. For sensitive information we encourage the use of PGP encryption. Our public keys can be found at http://www.arubanetworks.com/support-services/security-bulletins/ (c) Copyright 2013 by Aruba Networks, Inc. This advisory may be redistributed freely after the release date given at the top of the text, provided that redistributed copies are complete and unmodified, including all date and version information. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (MingW32) iEYEARECAAYFAlJM8CoACgkQp6KijA4qefWUFwCfdGvaRRE1xRuA17aRBcEPU6AZ q64An1oCTB9+oS51imoOXR5XTrK3cKAp =dz6G -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----